During the month of June the Australian Electoral Commission conducted the 2015 Branch Elections, as a result of these elections the following people have been elected by the membership for the next four years from 1 August 2015:-
Branch President – Bryan Watkins
Branch Vice-Presidents – Peter Noble, Roy Waller & Colleen Noonan (Affirmative Action)
Branch Secretary – Barry McVee
Branch Committee of Management –
Postal – Christine Rabey, Stephen Plichta, John Vagg, Kevin Brown, Matthew Wilson & John Evangelista.
Telecommunications – Michael Banting, Andrew Gomersall, Mark Kelly, John Kus & John Tredrea
Barry McVee (Postal) and John Tredrea (Telecommunications) were also elected to the positions of Divisional Executive Member and Divisional Conference Member for their respective industry groups.
A copy of the Declaration of the Election is attached below.