Category Archives: partners

Hearing Life

Hearing life is an organisation that was recommended to the Branch by our new lawyers Tindallgaskbentley (TGB).

Hearing Life are a well respected organisation and have been in the business for some 75 years they will conduct hearing tests Free of Charge for Members of our Union, all you have to do is call 1800 094 962 identify yourself as a Member of the Communication Workers Union and they will direct you to their closest clinic.

Clinics are not just in the metro area they have a number of clinics in regional centres as well.

If you have suffered any form of hearing loss and require hearing aids, Hearing Life has tests to prove whether or not this loss of hearing is work related, if it is then between Hearing Life, TGB and the Branch Officials we can help Members with their workers compensation claims.

So remember the tests are Free for Members, please take advantage of this and use their expertise to rectify any issues you may have with your hearing.

Free Legal Service

Work injuries
Motor accident compensation
Dust diseases
Injuries in public places
Medical negligence
Wills and estate planning
Criminal and road traffic law
Commercial and property

To arrange an appointment or find out more information, contact your union on (08) 9227 9911.

*Conditions apply. Contact your union for details.

Andrew Montesi

Marketing and Communications Manager, Tindall Gask Bentley Lawyers

(08) 8212 1077
0422 163 430

The Ambassador Card

Hearing life is an organisation that was recommended to the Branch by our new lawyers Tindallgaskbentley (TGB).

Hearing Life are a well respected organisation and have been in the business for some 75 years they will conduct hearing tests Free of Charge for Members of our Union, all you have to do is call 1800 094 962 identify yourself as a Member of the Communication Workers Union and they will direct you to their closest clinic.

Clinics are not just in the metro area they have a number of clinics in regional centres as well.

If you have suffered any form of hearing loss and require hearing aids, Hearing Life has tests to prove whether or not this loss of hearing is work related, if it is then between Hearing Life, TGB and the Branch Officials we can help Members with their workers compensation claims.

So remember the tests are Free for Members, please take advantage of this and use their expertise to rectify any issues you may have with your hearing.